Prepare to meet your god sermon

God had used several means of disciplining the israelites during this timedrought, famine, crop diseases, locusts, plagues, war, and local catastrophes v. Prepare to meet your god sermon by steve kinnard, amos 4. Apr 26, 2020 prepare to meet your god a sermon by evangelist wale adeleye of reconciliation and liberty ministries. Because i will do this to you, prepare to meet your god, o israel. The book of amos consists of eight prophecies three sermons five visions and five promises.

Oct 29, 2017 the people are going to get to know god in a very special way. Plain sermons by contribution to tracts for the times. And we must never forget that amos is speaking to us, the church of god, the israel of god. Dec 20, 2011 a sermon delivered on sunday morning, march 27, 1870, by c. In a raid lasting less than two hours, they sank or seriously damaged eight battleships and other naval vessels. Prepare to meet your god we are back again, friends. Do not become a christian only to avoid trouble in this world, and do not wait until the bridegroom comes before you prepare to meet him. Prepare to meet your god the charles spurgeon sermon. Sadly, it was all to no avail for they were overrun and destroyed by the assyrians, who served as god s instrument to execute his judgment upon israel, in 721 b.

Our text today deals specifically with this subject of approaching god. He had sent forth the pestilence after the manner of egypt. Prepare to meet him 1 with reverence and godly fear. There are many important events that take place in a mans life. The whole business which we have in the world is this, to prepare to meet god. Prepare to meet your god prepare to meet your god, o israel. What we are reading in exodus 19 is the preparation of the people to meet god. Dec 22, 2019 in this preparatory sunday message, rev. These warnings had time and time again fell on deaf ears and now the time to face the lord had arrived. If we want to experience god as believers did in days of old, we must be prepared to meet him. This is the meaning of the whole bible, to warn us that we. The context of the passage is about the downfall of israel. The book of amos is a stinging rebuke of a nation that has rejected and forgotten god. You will meet face to face with god the god who knows your every secret sin, and your every secret thought the god who knows your evil thoughts and your sinful heart.

Spurgeon, at the metropolitan tabernacle, newington. Mar 02, 2020 feast of trumpets on september 26, 2022 as tishri 1, 5773 and yom kippur at october 5, 2022 as tishri 10, 5773. But one of these days you will meet god face to face. Let me use an illustration, and this is no exaggeration whatsoever. His birth, first word, first step, first date, marriage, promotion, etc. God is holy, and he will continue to reveal himself and thus continue to call his people back to lives of holiness. For someday you are going to be standing before him, and your standing will be in the righteousness of christ, or in your own righteousness. We might not think ourselves to be or in fact be as bad as ancient israel, but we must still seriously consider amos admonition, prepare to meet your god because we will all meet him. They would not repent of their sins in spite of all the prophets warnings and the consequences god continually sent upon them. In my despair, i turned my back on these new leaders and uttered the phrase come quickly lord jesus. Paul wrote, for since in the wisdom of god the world through its wisdom did not come to know god, god was wellpleased through the foolishness of the message preached, to save those who believe i corinthians 1.

The judgment of god is coming in a decisive way and there is no averting it. John wilbur chapman prepare to meet thy god sermons. Meeting god under such circumstance is akin to the sheriff taking the felon from his cell and saying, time to face the judge. To encourage the congregation to prepare to meet god. If we will not prepare to meet god in holiness, then prepare to meet god in judgment. Purify your heart the heart is the realm of feelings and attitudes.

I want you to notice several things about coming into the presence of. A certain person lived a very respectable life, and would often correct others and help them. You are caught between gods righteous demands and your own inabilities. For after this there will be no more chance to prepare. Prepare to meet your god will come to you, my hearer, beyond all doubt. Amos 1, prepare to meet your god southside church of. Bible sermons online, sermon preached by 1 maurice roberts, inverness. The spurgeon center prepare to meet thy god charles spurgeon. In prepare to meet your god, students and pastors will find a much needed resource for interpreting and applying the book of amos. Russian orthodox cathedral of st john the baptist in washington dc recommended for you. And i am thrilled that you have received me into your homes. Amos 4, prepare to meet your god west palm beach church of. But you cannot prepare to meet god, the bible also says. Prepare to meet your god amos ministry to the northern kingdom.

Forbearance has its limits, and probation is not forever. A few minutes before 8 am on sunday, december 7, 1941, japanese carrierbased airplanes struck pearl harbor. Apr 01, 2018 the bible says, prepare to meet your god amos 4. In the use of the means of grace, men often lose much from not preparing to meet god in his own ordinances. Whether people think well of you or ill of you doesnt matter, but that you prepare to meet your god. Purchase the series prepare to meet your god, volume 1, from which this message comes, or call 18004734bbh to order this single message. Prepare to meet your god 4 of 9 ernest easley sermon. The second coming of christ this parable appears only in the gospel of matthew, and is set in the context of matthew 24 and matthew 25. This short five word warning is by far the most powerful message that we can get from the scriptures.

I want to speak on something that i consider very very serious and urgent. Mar 10, 2015 in, the warning is given, prepare to meet thy god. Prepare to meet thy god, will mean that at such a time, and such an hour, and at such a moment, the spirit must return to god who gave it. Prepare to meet your god sermon by mark tonkery, amos 4. Sermon id 1554 links to bible chapters open in a new window. In the hour of your death you will be forced to meet god. In times such as these when we loose a loved one to death we are reminded of our own mortality. As israel was warned to prepare to meet your god, so is man today.

God has made these appoints for us and we will all keep them. A message about the most important decision a person must make. Here god tells them that he brought many plagues upon them to. Worship and serve him in truth, for god has made him wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption for us. Jan 22, 2012 therefore, god has a response for the people. Aug 17, 2014 purchase the series prepare to meet your god, volume 1, from which this message comes, or call 18004734bbh to order this single message. Those who rely on their own wisdom surely are not prepared to meet god. Hamlin does a good job of dealing with the text in its historical context and then relating the lessons it provides as a corrective for the needs of todays church and society.

Paul van engelenhoven focuses on the call of amos to flee from moral abuse and false worship to and to pursue a closer walk with god. God sent amos to warn israel of the coming judgment and doom. When he pastored the methodist church in scarborough, william sangster had an eccentric member who tried to be a zealous christian. Put away your laziness and your own ways and allow god to start something new in your life. Amos 4, prepare to meet your god west palm beach church. If you would not prepare to meet him in holiness and truth at bethel, then at least prepare now for this final meeting in judgment. Unfortunately, the man was mentally deficient and usually did the wrong thing.

Prepare to meet your god and out text is taken from th. Prepare to meet thy god sermon by jack woodard, amos 4. The lord god has sworn by himself, the lord god of hosts says. From this parable we want to learn how to prepare ourselves to meet our god. The god who forms the mountains and creates the wind. Jan 01, 2008 prepare to meet your god, a funeral homilyamos 4. Sermon only from solid rock sunday 11122017 taken from amos 34 prepare to meet thy god. The threats which precede this summons are very indefinite. Christians, especially when they grow aged, must often hear the angelwhisper, prepare to meet thy god.

Prepare to meet thy god solid rock sermon 11122017 youtube. This is serious business, you need to prepare to meet god. Prepare to meet your god march 18, 2012 faithlife sermons. Prepare to meet thy god will come to you, my hearer, beyond all doubt. A farmer advertised for men to work on his farm but received only one. It is a message that is for all people, it is a message that it always pertinent, and it is a warning that shall never be cancelled. Prepare to meet your lord grace valley christian center. Desire the inward work of the holy spirit and surrender to christ now.

Each of us, like israel, are facing the end of life at any moment, and we too need to be prepared. You are caught between god s righteous demands and your own inabilities. Behind all its more evident aspects he exists as a great power which is unlimited in its plans, and unmeasured in its force. It is a stirring warning to all of the dangers of apostasy, rebellion and complacency. Here god tells them that he brought many plagues upon them to turn them back to him and they did not return. Make ready to meet thy god in judgment, turning to him with changed heart, if perchance he may forgive thee and withdraw his heavy hand. Because god has sworn by his holiness that he will pour out judgment upon you, and because you have not successfully escaped god s previous judgments mostly you havent even noticed them, you will not escape god s punishment come judgment day. Bible study, bonus message, christian living, future things, repentance. God had, in the days of amos, by different ways rebuked the sin of his people israel. You need another to prepare you to meet your god, since you cannot prepare yourself. Get the people ready because god is coming down and you are going to meet god.

Prepare to meet thy god as israels end drew near the prophet amos admonishes his nation to make preparation to meet their god. From the inevitable process of decay which takes place in the body, from the failure of eyesight, the tottering of the limbs, and the grey hairs, there must come subdued and tender voices all saying, prepare to meet thy god. Prepare to meet your god the charles spurgeon sermon collection. Discipline itself is temporary, and, when the purposes of god concerning men are fulfilled. Oh friends, a sinner facing a holy god without preparation is in the most terrible condition imaginable. In amos we read that god says to israel to prepare to meet your god amos 4. Repentance means that you say to god, i am a sinner, im sorry for my sins, im willing to turn from my sins.